Updates to Simployer Employment Contracts
The Simployer Employment Contracts module has been updated and includes a new function to import standard templates and an update to the design of the template pages.
Import standard templates into your own site
You can now import our standard templates directly into your Employment Contracts module. The template is available to simplify and establish faster, and so that we can help with recommendations for what should be included in a contracts template.
When you are on the page for templates, you will find an import button in the top right corner. A new window opens where you can choose which template you want to import. Click next to choose settings for this template.
Once the template has been imported, it is owned by you and you can make the changes you want.
Consider that text and fields may need updating to match your company and agreements.
Updated design of the template pages
The pages for templates have been updated with a new design and you can find all the details for the template by clicking on the template name.
You can browse between different pages and find a pen in the upper right corner to make any changes to the different templates.
In the list view for the templates you will now find a new column for countries. Fields are not mandatory, but are intended to simplify the process when you have templates in the same language but for different countries.